Sunday, December 12, 2010

Books and Friends

With palms together

Good Morning Everyone,

Finally, we are completing a serious task at the Order. We have the initial version of our “Shingi” or standards for the Order collected into a book form. Rev. KoMyo and I will have a pdf version available soon. I have sent all of the sections to each priest within our Order for their review. I want to make this text available to any member of the Order, including lay members.

I also have my book, “Living Zen: A Diary of an American Zen Priest” in the process of being a print on demand text through’s company, CreateSpace. It will be available as a paperback and as a Kindle downloadable book. It is currently being copy edited by student Jill Freeman in PA., as well as by my Teacher, McGuire-roshi, who has agreed to author the preface. My partner and Jiisha, Soku Shin, is also adding her valuable insight to the text.

I will keep you apprised of the progress of these texts and let you know when, exactly, they will be available.

Over the last few days, I have lost two friends. Mary Phillips and Bobby Siegel. Mary was a social worker who assisted aging persons as her practice, then became a strong engaged peace activist who sat with us at the Federal Building for several years. She was a wonderful person, a marvelous poet, and a deeply caring mother and grandmother.

Bobby was a scientist, a staunchly inquisitive person, who traveled the globe to do her science. She was an odd, but delightful mix of agnostic/practitioner, who attended synagogue services, practiced Zen meditation, and had a deep fondness for Kwan Yin, the Chinese version of the Bodhisattva of compassion.

Both of these women were hospice patients. I was able to sit with Bobby the day before she died and recited the Great Heart of Wisdom Sutra while holding her hand. Her eyes were moist and she had a lovely smile on her face as this powerful sutra was chanted. I admit I choked-up a bit at a phrase or two. It was one of the most meaningful experiences of my life as a monk to offer this sutra to my friend.

Be well.

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